Around 1 million homes in England and Wales could benefit from solid wall insulation under the Green Deal, cutting heating costs by 40%, according to a new study from insulation provider Jablite.

A new study into solid wall insulation, commissioned by Jablite, has found that 12% of UK properties are eligible for the treatment under the Green Deal. Some 400,000 of these homes are inhabited by people living in fuel poverty.

Under the Green Deal, households can borrow between £6,000 and £10,000 for upfront work on their home, with the loan staying with the house and not the individual or family.

Households can have the energy-efficiency work carried out on their home without incurring any upfront cost. The work is then paid for through the resulting energy savings, with the Golden Rule ensuring that the savings on heating bills will be equal to or greater than the repayments.

Insulating solid walls could cut heating costs by up to 40% according to the Energy Saving Trust, because they let through twice as much heat as cavity walls do.