Richard Costello, owner of MultiPlumb, outlines four reasons why your business can benefit from outsourcing social media marketing

Social media is becoming a more prominent tool in every business’ marketing strategy, and it has meant brands have been able to reach an audience far larger than they would have otherwise.

However, using these sites will only get you so far, especially if you don’t know how they work or how your business can really benefit from them. Without the right knowledge, people, resources, or even time, it is very easy to turn what could have been an amazing marketing opportunity into an inefficient use of your business’ money.

That is where outsourcing come into the picture – you can continue to run your business without the stress of running your social media campaigns alongside it. Here are four reasons why you should be outsourcing your social media marketing.

You don’t have the in-house knowledge

Your business is your passion, and it’s certainly something you know plenty about, but if you don’t know enough about social media marketing, the message you’re trying to display to the world about your business can easily be ignored.

Outsourcing your social media marketing means handing the reins over to the professionals. They know exactly how to get your content seen and heard in the style that suits your business. There’s no shame in getting some outside help if you don’t have the expertise, and in most cases it will help your business find its voice and reach its audience in a way that you may not have been able to do alone.

Once feel more comfortable marketing on social media, you can always take back the reins and start running it yourself if you want to.

You don’t have the resources

If you don’t have the right expertise in-house, you won’t know which resources you’ll need when it comes to social media marketing. Outsourcing to people with the right know-how also means you’ll be outsourcing to people with all the necessary resources for improving strategy and growing your business.

Storing, recording and analysing all the data collected is an important part of learning how you can improve your social media marketing strategy, and outsourcing to agencies which have access to the latest software and tools makes it even easier for you to track your progress. There’s no hassle of having to manage it yourself and the external sources know how to use this data to make each post or campaign even more successful.

You don’t have the time

Running your own business is a non-stop and often hectic process, and it often seems like there’s not enough hours in a day to get everything you need done. Outsourcing your social media marketing makes it possible to focus on the tasks where your expertise lies, safe in the knowledge that your social media marketing is being handled professionally and with as much attention to detail as all the other aspects of your business.

You don’t have the people

If your business is particularly new or small, it may not be worth investing in your marketing team, especially since the average social media manager earns anything upward of £25,000 a year.

If you do have a marketing team, it will probably have its attention on campaigns outside of social media, and hiring new members of staff solely for marketing on social media may not be an option for your business, which is why outsourcing may benefit you.

With outsourcing, you can stop the contract whenever it suits you, and it is cheaper than hiring a new member of staff with the same level of expertise. This makes it ideal for small businesses looking to grow.

There may come a time where your business is struggling to fit everything in, and sometimes the best way out of that is to ask for some extra help. Having experts market your social media may be the best thing for your business in terms of cost, effectiveness and overall success.

Image credit: Twin Design /